Psalm 83:1 “O God, do not keep silence; do not hold your peace or be still, O God!”
Revival. A word full of hope, anticipation, and transformation. It is an earthly word to describe a heavenly outpouring. It is a word I think about often when I see the state of our nation, the church, and even my heart.
In the early months of 2023, testimonies started pouring in about a revival spreading at Asbury College. Something special was going on and the world was taking note. People were worshiping for hours and crying out to the Lord in repentance. The early reports were the answer to years of prayers for the Lord to awaken a generation. I knew one thing…I had to see it for myself.
I arrived on campus with a friend. One word can describe what we witnessed…hunger. Thousands and thousands of hungry people from around the world came to see this move of God firsthand. The line to get into the main auditorium stretched around the block. The lawn was full of worshippers, standing and watching the big screens that had been set up. Not even the pouring rain stopped them. It was beautiful.
I left the campus a few days later with a deep cry in my heart for God to move like that across our nation. I could not quit pondering why our churches are not in revival and what would it take to ignite this passion in our own towns. There are so many enemies of the Lord at work in this nation. How can we make a stand against the culture war we are in? How long, Lord, till our nation turns back to you? I found my prayers turning to Psalms 83.
The questions of my heart sounded like the Psalmist as he cried out to the Lord, asking when all the evil would be defeated.
“How long, Lord? How long are your enemies going to come against you? How long will your church remain silent? Lord, hear our prayers. Let your people rise to fight against the enemy of our soul! Let the whole earth know that you, whose name is the Lord, that you alone are the MOST HIGH over all the earth. Lord, do not remain silent.”
Just like the Psalmist, I know God is in control and that he will move in his perfect timing. If we are going to win back our nation and see the church arise in this hour, we must fall on our faces before the Lord. In the days after experiencing the Asbury Revival, I listened to a song over and over called “God of Revival.” The words became the cry of my heart for me, our churches, and our world.
Come awaken Your people.
Come awaken Your city.
Oh, God of revival, pour it out, pour it out.
Every stronghold will crumble.
Hear the chains hit the ground.
Oh, God of revival, pour it out, pour it out.
I heard someone say that Revival is for those that were once vived! If we want to see changes in our culture, we must allow the Lord to revive our hearts and heal our land. We must allow him to wake us from our slumber. A mighty move of God is coming. Are you ready? Ask him today to awaken your soul!
Revival is now!